Chief Minister of Gandaki Province, Krishna Chandra Nepali Pokharel, will face the vote of confidence at the National Assembly on June 18. Only after Pokharel, who has been leading the government through a coalition of parties, wins the vote of confidence will discussions on the budget of fiscal year 2078/79 begin in the assembly.
Spokesperson of the provincial government, Kumar Khadka, informed that the notice related to Chief Minister Pokharel facing the vote of confidence was registered at the secretariat of the National Assembly on Tuesday.
The government that has been formed in Gandaki Province through Article 168 (5) of the Constitution of Nepal needs to win the vote of confidence at the National Assembly within 30 days of the date of appointment as per Article 168 (6) of the constitution.
The Gandaki assembly which has a total of 60 seats at present has 59 members as lawmaker Krishna Thapa of Rastriya Janamorcha has been expelled from the party. To win the vote of confidence Pokharel will need 30 votes to be cast in his favour.