The Department of Consumer, Supplies and Consumer Protection has destroyed date expired food products worth over Rs 37.3 million in the last 11 months. The goods were destroyed during the market monitoring conducted by the department.
In the last 11 months the department inspected 1,066 businesses across the country. Spokesperson of Department of Consumer, Supplies and Consumer Protection, Shivraj Sedhain, informed that the department had taken action against 990 businesses that were involved in various malpractices during that period.
He also said that the department had collected over Rs 22.80 million in fines from the firms that were involved in malpractices.
The department has informed that its branch offices also had collected fines from 269 businesses in the last 11 months. During the period its branches in Morang, Parsa, Rupandehi, Banke and Kailali had inspected a total of 1,609 businesses.
Of the firms inspected, the department found that 612 businesses had been operating under prevailing laws and 529 firms were asked to make necessary corrections. Similarly, 40 firms were asked to visit the department’s office with necessary documents to clarify themselves. Meanwhile, 269 businesses had been penalised and a fine of over Rs 74.46 lakh was collected from them.
Likewise, during the market monitoring conducted during the prohibitory order in the three districts of Kathmandu valley since April 29, a total of 97 businesses faced action from the department. Spokesperson Sedhain informed that the erring firms were levied financial penalty. The department collected a total fine of Rs 13.96 lakh from the erring firms. During the prohibitory order the department has inspected 203 businesses. Of the total firms inspected one has been ordered to close down its business.