Driver arrested for bribing Rs 500 to on-duty police personnel in Sindhuli

July 4, 2021

Police arrested a man on the charge of bribing Rs 500 to on-duty police personnel at a check post in Kamalmai Municipality-6, Sindhuli district, on Friday night.

The arrested has identified as a vehicle driver, Medani Regmi (52), a resident of Birtamod Municipality-3 in Jhapa district.

Regmi was driving Tata Sumo, a four-wheeler (Me 1 Cha 6683) towards Kathmandu from Jhapa. When he was found travelling without a pass issued by the administration authorities, Regmi had offered a Rs 500 bribe to on-duty security personnel at Majhitar check post. He was immediately arrested.

meanwhile, further investigation into the case is underway, informed the police.