Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty Kundra, on Thursday night, shared a cryptic social media post, which appeared to be a page out of author James Thurber’s books.
This is her first post since the arrest and ongoing investigations of husband Raj Kundra for allegedly making pornographic films.
Taking to her Instagram Story, Shilpa shared a picture from a book’s page that highlighted Thurber’s quote which read, “Do not look back in anger, or forward in fear, but around in awareness.”
The first part of the note read, “Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness. We look back in anger at the people who’ve hurt us, the frustrations we’ve felt, the bad luck we’ve endured. We look forward in fear at the possibility that we might lose our job, contract a disease, or suffer the death of a loved one.”
“The place we need to be is right here, right now- not looking anxiously at what has been or what might be, but fully aware of what is. I take a deep breath, knowing that I’m lucky to be alive. I have survived challenges in the past and will survive challenges in the future. Nothing need distract me from living my life today,” concluded the page.