Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff on Sunday gave fans powerlifting goals during cardio workout by weightlifting 140 kgs and performing barbell front squats after being inspired by Mirabai Chanu’s historic win at Tokyo Olympics. Taking to his Instagram handle, Tiger gave fans a glimpse of his robust workout as he gushed over the silver medal champion. The video featured him with his back to the camera, donning a pale blue hoodie that was held at the waist with a belt and teamed it with a pair of black tights.
Standing barefoot before a mirror as he sweated it out, the ‘Baghi’ star kept his feet shoulder-width apart in front of a rack bar.
With a barbell placed on his collar bone, Tiger grasped the bar with his hands and kept his wrists facing forward, palms facing upwards to allow his elbows to lift forward. In the caption, Tiger wrote, “140 kgs and counting…So so inspired to get stronger and go beyond my limits thanks to #mirabaichanu what a performance! go team india! #tokyoolympics.”