Mid-Western University halts all examinations

July 27, 2021

Mid-Western University has halted the examinations of all the subjects that had been scheduled to start from today. The examinations have been halted as the students’ union has been continuously holding protests with a set of demands that it has made.

The Examinations Management Office of Mid-Western University in Surkhet had published a notice on Monday morning stating that the examinations will be held as per the earlier published routine. However, it issued another notice at midnight of Monday itself mentioning that all the examinations have been postponed by a week.

The university had earlier published a notice stating that the examinations for the Bachelors level students of Science and Technology streams would begin from today and that of the Masters level would begin from Wednesday. The examinations were scheduled to be held with the physical presence of students.

Meanwhile, the students have been protesting demanding the examinations to be held through the online medium.