As Bollywood actor Sara Ali Khan turned a year older on Thursday, she announced her partnership with an NGO, which aims at providing help and assistance to children who have been orphaned due to the devastating waves of Covid-19.
In the past couple of years, several underage children have lost their loved ones to Covid-19 and have been left orphaned, and miserable. To make their lives a little better and hopeful, Sara has joined hands with the members of Kailash Satyarthi who have been working towards this cause. Taking to her Instagram handle, she shared a video of her announcing the partnership.
In the video, Sara said, “Hello everyone, so today is my birthday and obviously I’m happy and excited, but mostly grateful that I get to spend today with my family and loved ones, but there are so many children who have lost this privilege and their loved ones, their families, their parents.”
She further continued and said, “I don’t think there is anything we can do to bring back what they have lost, but I am joining hands with Kailash Satyarthi Children Foundation, to try in my own way to give them a slightly better and slightly more hopeful future. And I urge you guys to do the same, you can go donate whatever amount you are comfortable with, in the link in my bio, and make these children smile, just a little bit because even though they have lost their loved ones, they can hopefully have our support.”
Sara captioned her Instagram post as, “Birthdays are always about excitement, positivity and love. Today while I celebrate with my family, my heart goes out to all those children that have lost their families, support and loved ones. Therefore I am joining hands with @kscfindia to support the vulnerable children who have been impacted gravely by the pandemic.”