Wai Wai has actively promoting Nepali music and talent across Nepal for more than 20 years. And with the help of affordable technologies and fast internet, young talent and studios are emerging across the nation.
However, many don’t get the exposure that their talent deserves and brands are focused on hiring talent based in Kathmandu most of the time.
And to break this cycle, Wai Wai introduced the ‘Haami Sabaiko Wai Wai Jingle Remix contest’ on World Music Day on the 21st of June 2021.
Through social media, Wai Wai invited young musicians, singers, and composers from across the contry to participate by sending in their remix versions of the original Jingle to our Haami Sabaiko Wal Wai Jingle Remix contest page.
The month-long competition ended on July 21. Renowned singers James Pradhan, Sanjay Shrestha, Navin Bhattarai, and Rohit Chhetri were inspiring the youth to participate in this competition. Wai Wai Jingle Remix contest received 62 entries from all across Nepal.
The entries came in many different genres – from rap to pop, rock to classical, all were represented in many of the compositions. The richness in production values, technological expertise, and the professional level from entries from outside Kathmandu was really inspiring. And the freshness of talent seen in the entries shows how Nepali music and musicians can thrive with consistent support.
It was indeed a difficult task to shortlist the entries to just ten and select the final winner. However, Samrat Bhattarai the winner of the contest 2021 and took home a prize amount of 1 lakh Rupees, whereas the other nine shortlisted participants got cash prices of 25000/- each.