A few days after actor Akshay Kumar‘s mother passed away, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent him a condolence letter.
In the letter, Modi said that he’s extremely saddened and advised Akshay to preserve his late mother Aruna Bhatia’s memories and legacy.
On Sunday, Akshay took to his Instagram account and shared Modi’s letter with his followers.
“My dear Akshay, it was best if I would never have written such a letter. In an ideal world, such a time should never have come. I was saddened by the demise of your Mother, Smt. Aruna Bhatia. When I spoke to you that fateful morning, you were crestfallen and you encapsulated it emotionally when you wrote, she was my core. And today I feel an unbreakable pain at the very core of my existence.” You tasted success after much hard work and struggle. You have built a name and achieved fame for yourself through your determination and tenacity. Through your journey, you retained the right values and moral strength due to which you could easily turn adversities into opportunities. And these ! earnings came from your parents,” the letter read.
Modi also appreciated Akshay for making his mother proud by reaching heights.