Chief Minister of Bagmati Province Astalaxmi Shakya has declared Bagmati Province literate. CM Shakya declared the same at a program organised by the Bagmati Province’s Ministry for Social Development here on Monday.
Pressing for the need to take forward the Literate Nepal campaign in a creative manner, Shakya viewed, “The rays of education should be spread all over the Bagmati Province. Although the Province has not achieved full literacy rate yet, we will coordinate the efforts with the local levels and District Coordination Committees to make the Province fully literate very soon.”
The first female CM among all seven provinces, Shakya, said that earlier the elderly women had adult literacy classes only in the evening but the situation does not exist anymore allowing elderly women to take classes in broad daylight.
She spoke of the need for all the citizens to become literate and opined that more works were left to be done although the Province was declared literate.
The declaration on Monday was made to spread the message that Bagmati Province had become a literate Province since the literacy rate among the people from 15 to 60 years in the Province currently stood at 95 percent, said Province Education Directorate, Bagmati Province Hetauda‘s Director Chandra Prasad Luitel.
The provincial government is going to expedite educating people below 15 years and above 60 years to achieve a full literacy rate at the earliest.