The Special Court on Monday sought Rs 5 million in bail from then Director General of Inland Revenue Department Chudamani Sharma for his alleged corruption in the capacity of a member of the Tax Clearance Commission.
A division bench of judges Abdul Aziz Musalman and Nityananda Pandey made such an order for the bail after a hearing on Monday.
The court has sought the bail as per Clause 7(D) of the Special Court, 2059 by considering the additional liability to be incurred from the supplementary charge sheets filed against the defendant.
The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) had lodged a case in the Special Court against three people including Sharma claiming Rs 1.03 billion in fine.
The two others facing charge sheet include Tax Clearance Commission’s Chairman Lumba Dhowj and member Umesh Prasad Dhakal.