A four-year-old boy who went missing from Kapan in Kathmandu has been found in Bihar, India. The boy, who has been missing from Budhanilkantha Municipality Ward No. 13 Kapan since last Monday, was found safe in Bihar, India yesterday.
Pius, the 4-year-old son of Binod Sharma, who has been living in Kapan’s Tahara from Bihar, India, had been out of contact since 4 pm on Monday. Kathmandu Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ashok Singh said that they found him in Bihar.
It has been revealed that Binod’s friend Shankar Das took him to Bihar. SSP Singh informed that the relatives in Bihar have already taken charge of Pius. Meanwhile, the police are going to start investigation on Das.
Police said that it has not been revealed why he took the child.