The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has arrested 35 persons on the charge of power theft. These people were found using power from NEA transmission line without registering themselves for it.
Based on a complaint by dutiful customers, the NEA with the help of Nepal Police and Armed Police arrested them.
Following the arrest, they were fined Rs. 11,830 each and reprimanded, according to NEA Inaruwa unit chief Ramuddar Shaha. A total of Rs. 378,240 was collected in a fine from them.
Power theft is one of the major reasons for power leakage of the NEA service. “We are now working to control theft by cent percent with the help of our customers,” Shaha said. Furthermore, the customers not paying tariffs for a long time are also being punished, with 122 having their power lines disconnected.
The Unit has more than 45,000 consumers.