Candle-making, a way to independence

November 1, 2021

Satyam Daycare Center has been providing practical and vocational trainings to children with down syndrome and intellectual disabilities. The daycare center is one of the many activities of Down Syndrome Society Nepal (DSSN). Founder and President of DSSN, Shila Thapa started involving herself in activities relating to intellectual disabilities in 2006. “My 19-year-old son, Satyam is the main reason for me to be involved in this”, she says.

With the training achieved, young adults at the daycare center have started making and selling candles and oil lamps for Tihar. Raw materials to make these products are bought from local stores at Asan. Both candles and oil lamps are sold at Rs. 120 for 12 pieces. “There is very little profit margin in these products. Our main motive at present is awareness”, says Thapa. “This also motivates our students to work to earn money”, she adds.

The money generated from the sales of these products is utilized to fulfill other requirements of the children at the daycare center. “We will buy stationery items for the children to make Christmas cards with the money earned”, Thapa says. The people involved in the candle-making process are also paid from the money generated for their hard work. “This motivates them to keep working and gives a taste of independence”, she adds.