The upcoming project helmed by Min Bahadur Bam’s “A Year of Cold” has won a production award from Taipei Film Commission. Similarly, the film has bagged a cash prize of around Rs 1.7 crores (Rs 2.7 million).
The film is jointly produced in association with Nepal along with France, Turkey, and Norway. Before this, the film had won Rs 6,684,000 from Norwegian Award held at Cannes Film Festival. Likewise, the film also got 75,000 euros from Twelve Punto Script Lab. The film was also awarded 6,000 euros from Switzerland’s Locarno Film Festival in 2018.
Meanwhile, the film has also won funds from Cinefondation Residence and Busan Festival.
Min Bahadur Bam is known for his masterpiece film ‘Kalo Pothi’.