The authorized distributor of Mahindra in Nepal, Agni Group has recently inaugurated three of its sub-dealers. They are also the 2S Dealers of its authorized 3S Dealer Lok Sushila Auto Concern, with the aim of providing quality service to its customers. The new 2S service center – Darshan Multi Auto Village and Workshop, Kapilvastu; Mainabagar Autoland, Mainabagar; Rampur Auto Village & Laxmi Moto Care, Palpa are considered to be the next stop for 2S services of Four-Wheelers for the valued customers of Mahindra.
The inauguration of Mainabagar Autoland was done by the Honorable Chief Minister Mr. Kul Prasad KC and Mr. Arjun Prasad Sharma, Executive Director of Agni Group on 2nd Mangsir, 2078.