Health Care Act certified in Dhanusa

November 27, 2021

The Health Care Act ratified by the Chief of Province 2, Hir Shankar Mishra on Friday has been certified. The Act provides the formation of a provincial health committee to make the health service of the province effective and to include the issues of public health in the policy and program.

The committee is officiated by the Minister of Social Development, the Secretary of the Ministry, one member each from the Health Directorate and Policy Commission, four members including at least two women nominated by the chairperson from the consumer protection and health sector experts, one member nominated by the chairperson from among the medical superintendents of hospitals in the province.

The Act stipulates that nurses should be provided for every community school for ensuring reproductive health services and other health-related services. Likewise, private schools are also required to have an ANM (Auxiliary nurse midwife) or staff nurse within one year of the enactment of the Health Services Act.