After the emergence of a new variant of the coronavirus, Omicron in India, their government has started tightening its entry points.
According to Bharati, Information Officer at the District Administration Office, India has made vaccination and ID cards mandatory at the Jhulaghat checkpoint bordering Baitadi. “India’s Pithoragarh district has sent a letter asking that only Nepali citizens who have been fully vaccinated be allowed to enter their country.” It is said that India has tightened the border after seeing Omicron in Dehradun. “People are allowed to enter India only after 15 days of vaccination,” he said.
The administration has requested the Nepali nationals traveling to India to bring proof that they have been vaccinated 15 days in advance. Nepali citizens without vaccination cards are barred from entering India. In addition, citizens returning home from Jhulaghat have to stay in quarantine for seven days, said Information Officer Bharati. Even though the antigen test is going on at the Jhulaghat checkpoint, the citizens returning home are urged to stay in quarantine as their symptoms may appear only after seven days.
It has also been asked to adhere to the standards of health security at the border. At present, only two people are actively infected with COVID in the district and 18 people have died so far due to the infection.