Manang has left Satdobato Youth Club and Machhindra Football Club behind. Unbeaten Manang has reached 10 points from 4 games. Unbeaten Satdobato and Machhindra have 7 points after playing one game less.
Oladipo Afiz and Dinesh Rajbanshi scored goals in the victory of Manang at Dashrath Stadium in Tripureshwor. Afiz scored in the first half and Dinesh in the second half.
Afiz scored in the 41st minute to give Manang a 1-0 lead in the first half. Afiz was able to hit a header goal with the long cross pass given by captain Anjan Bista.
Dinesh Rajbanshi doubled Manang’s lead in the 73rd minute. He made good use of Pujan’s top-class free kick through a header to make a goal. In the 77th minute,Ronel Anthony Paul had a chance to reduce the lead for Friends Club but he failed.
Defeated Friends has dropped to 12th place by adding 2 points from 4 games. Despite having the same two points, Friends are trailing New Road Team(NRT) and Himalayan Sherpa Club in goal difference.