Global star Priyanka Chopra on Friday slammed a news report addressing her as ‘the wife of Nick Jonas’ instead of her own name.
An actor, a producer, a singer, an author, an entrepreneur, and a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador–Priyanka Chopra is indeed one of the biggest and popular stars ruling the showbiz.
Priyanka is the winner of the Miss World 2000 pageant, and numerous accolades, including two National Film Awards and Padma Shri.
Despite the achievements, and her exceptional contribution to cinema, a few media publications addressed Priyanka, who married American singer Nick Jonas in 2018, as “the wife of Nick Jonas”.
Taking to her Instagram story, Priyanka shared the screenshot of the news report and wrote, “Very interesting that I am promoting one of the most iconic film franchises of all time and I am still referenced as ‘the wife of…Please explain how this still happens to women? Should I add my IMDb link to my bio?”