Ram Bahadur Chhantyal, who went missing after being buried in an avalanche in Gurja of Dhawalagiri Gaonpalika-1 of Myagdi, has not been found yet. The condition of Ram Bahadur Chhantyal, 50, who was buried in an avalanche last Thursday afternoon due to heavy snowfall in Sukelotne of Gurja, which is considered to be the worst in the district, is still unknown. “The search is on, but there is a problem in finding the missing person as the snow has not melted,” said Zak Bahadur Chhantyal, Ward Chairman of Gurja.
According to him, after the sudden heavy snowfall, the umbrella slipped and fell into the gorge on the way to the sheepfold. Since Monday morning, 40 locals had searched the area around the place where Chhantyal went missing.
Daily locals have formed a group to search for the missing persons. Jagdevi Chhantyal, Buddhi Chhantyal and Lal Bahadur Vik, who were living in a cowshed far from the settlement, were rescued while they were trapped in the snow, said Ward Chairman Chhantyal. They are now in the sheepfold. Quoting Buddhi Chhantyal, who is in the herd with a flock of sheep and returning after favorable weather, said Ward Chairman Chhantyal.
The Gurja connecting footpath at an altitude of 3,220 meters above sea level is also covered with snow. Chief District Officer Chiranjeevi Rana said that the locals have been able to get in touch easily as mobile and internet services are now in operation.