Narayan Bahadur Silwal and Keshav Prasad Pokhrel have registered their nominations for the posts of Finance and Development Committee and Education, Health and Agriculture Committee under the Bagmati Provincial Assembly respectively, according to the Provincial Assembly Secretariat. Both of them are candidates from UML while both of them are elected from Kathmandu.
According to the secretariat, no candidature has been registered from the ruling coalition in the upcoming election of both the committees. Candidate registration was scheduled for 3 pm today. One of the 22 members of the Finance and Development Committee, which has been vacant since April, will be elected as the chairperson, while one of the 19 members of the Education, Health and Agriculture Committee will be elected as the chairperson.
There are 20 voters in the Finance and Development Committee and 19 in the Education, Health and Agriculture Committee. UML has 12 members in both the committees. As the members of the Finance and Development Committee – Sant Bahadur Praja and Dipendra Shrestha are ministers of the state government, they will not participate in the election. The post was vacant as soon as the then chairman of the Finance and Development Committee, Saresh Nepal, became a minister in the state government. Ghanshyam Dahal, chairman of the Education, Health and Agriculture Committee, has been appointed as a minister in the Rajendra Prasad Pandey-led government.
The election for the post of chairperson of the Finance and Development Committee has been scheduled for 12 noon on Monday, while the election for the post of chairperson of the Education, Health and Agriculture Committee has been fixed for 2 pm on Monday, said Umesh Raj Soti, Joint Spokesperson of the Provincial Assembly.