The share market on Tuesday witnessed a double-digit growth. The Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) increased by 19.29 points to reach 2891.33 points.
Likewise, the sensitive index measuring the share transaction of big companies increased by 3.98 point and reached 542.9 points.
With the improvement in the share market, the total transaction volume also rose, reaching more than Rs 6.57 billion with the trade of 12.1 million shares of 223 companies.
Of the 13 categories traded, nine categories witnessed a rise while investors of four other groups saw a decline. Trade, hotel and tourism, production and life insurance categories decreased by 16.3 points, 2.65 points, 13.08 points and 15.61 points, respectively.
After Tuesday’s trade, the market capitalization has crossed Rs 4.086 trillion. On the basis of trade, National Hydropower Company Limited had the highest volume with the transaction of Rs 390 million.
Likewise, the share price of WEAN Nepal Microfinance and Buddhabhumi Nepal Hydropower recorded positive circuit.