Karnali Province Chief Minister, Jeewan Bahadur Shahi has claimed that the Karnali government would get a full shape by Sunday. CM Shahi said that the provincial government did not get a full shape due to massive political programmes of ruling coalition parties from grassroots to central level and also the effects of the third wave of COVID-19.
“Within three days the province government would come to a full shape”, he said, adding, “The wait is over for giving complete shape to the province government”.
The chief minister had also responded to the queries related to road expansion and other plans of far-reaching consequences.
There are 12 assembly members of the CPN (Maoist Centre), six of the Nepali Congress and three of the CPN (Unified Socialist) in the Karnali province assembly. The CPN (Maoist Centre) has claimed for four ministerial berths in the provincial government while NC for three ministers including the chief minister and CPN (US) for three.
With the ruling coalition failing to reach a consensus on province government formation, the responsibility to this effect has come to the shoulder of the centre.
The constitutional provision states that only 20 per cent of total members of the Karnali Province Assembly shall be the ministers. With this, there will be only eight members in the council of ministers.