Nepali Congress spokesperson Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat said that attempts are being made to create confusion among people about the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). Addressing the 22nd inauguration and honors program of Shardanagar Jaycees on Saturday evening, he said that it was necessary to end the misconception about MCC.
Stating that the MCC grant assistance has been the greatest aid Nepal has received so far, he said that Nepal will be able to work on its own accords. He said that Nepal would maintain relations with India, China and the United States according to the same criteria by maintaining a balanced foreign policy. On another occasion, he said that the country has not been able to develop due to lack of majority in the upcoming local, state and federal elections. He said, “Congress is a party that believes in supremacy of law and order.”
Karna Bahadur Gurung, Ward Chairman of Bharatpur Metropolitan City-19, Tara Gurung, Pramisha Kafle and others spoke on the occasion. Earlier, the committee headed by JCJ chairman Indralal Shrestha had handed over the post to Masina Gurung’s committee.