The final hearing of the case against 14 lawmakers, including CPN-U Chairman Madhav Kumar Nepal, is scheduled to be held in the Supreme Court on April 4. A joint bench of Justices Ishwar Prasad Khatiwada and Kumar Chudal has decided to hear the case from April 4.
The order states, “As it appears that a written reply has been received and it seems reasonable to settle the constitutional and legal questions raised by the petitioner in the context of a speedy and full hearing, it should be submitted on Sunday 2078-12-2020 for a full hearing as per rules.”
CPN-UML Chairperson KP Sharma Oli had filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court against 14 lawmakers, including Nepal, alleging that the party had split and formed a new party. A written reply has been submitted by both the pros and cons of the case.