Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba is scheduled to pay an official visit to India next Friday. At the friendly invitation of the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, Prime Minister Deuba is going to visit India from April 1 to 3 this year. The Prime Minister will be accompanied by his wife Dr Arju Rana Deuba.
The Prime Minister’s team will include Foreign Minister Dr Narayan Khadka, other senior ministers, secretaries and officials of the Government of Nepal, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry is confident that the visit will further deepen the multifaceted, centuries-old and cordial relations between Nepal and India.
During the visit, the Prime Minister will pay a courtesy call on the Vice President of India, Venkaiah Naidu. The Prime Minister will hold delegation-level talks with the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on April 2 at Hyderabad House. The Prime Minister of India will host a luncheon in honour of Prime Minister Deuba and his delegation.
Similarly, Foreign Minister S. Jayashankar and National Security Adviser to the Government of India will pay a courtesy call on Prime Minister Deuba. While in New Delhi, Prime Minister Deuba is scheduled to address a gathering of the business community. Before returning to Kathmandu on April 3, the Prime Minister will also visit Varanasi.
This is the first bilateral foreign visit by the Prime Minister since taking over the leadership of the current government last July. India and Nepal have a centuries-old special friendship and cooperation. In recent years, mutual partnerships have shown significant growth in all areas of cooperation. The visit is expected to provide an opportunity to further deepen the close cooperation and partnership between the two sides and advance the interests of the people of the two countries.