The Bikram Baba Mela, which has not been held for the past two years due to the Corona epidemic, is scheduled to be held this year. The fair is being organized from April 1 to April 16. The Kerunga Consumers Committee, Patihani Consumers Committee and Ghailaghari Community Forest Office are managing the fair. Two consumer committees, Pooja and Community Forest will be responsible for parking and market management.
Krishna Hari Sharma, the vice-chairman of the Patihani Consumer Committee, said that the management work has been intensified keeping in view the pressure of devotees coming to the fair. He informed that the roofing of the temple, drinking water and toilet management, sanitation, construction of roads for the devotees and management of places for worship are also being done. He said, “It is estimated that the number of devotees coming to fill the fair or worship this year will be 500,000.”
Chairman of the Kerunga Consumers Committee Arjun Bhujel said that the committee has moved ahead in a responsible manner for the management of the fair. He informed that the work has been taken forward by forming a 10-member committee for the management of worship. The time for worship in the temple is from 6 am to 5 pm. According to Chairman Bhulel, the time has been fixed as wild animals will be active after 5 pm. A 101-member basic management committee has been formed for the management of the fair.
The work of fair management has been started by forming eight sub-committees. He said, “We have decided to close the fair after 6 pm even though parking and fair have been arranged in the afternoon in the community forest area.” Chairman Bhusal said that the operation of the fair was suspended till late last year as there could be an attack by wild animals. He added, “A wild elephant destroyed four houses last night alone. Fear of wild animals is increasing at night. ” Chairman Bhusal informed that arrangements have been made to park the vehicles coming from Bharatpur and those coming from Madi outside the park.
Information Officer of Chitwan National Park Ganesh Prasad Tiwari said that arrangements have been made for worship only at designated places. Devotees have been urged to visit Bikram Baba following health standards, he said. You can come to visit only by following the health standards. ” Information Officer Tiwari said that plastic items were also banned inside the park. He said that the devotees were not allowed to bring plastic items as the park would be polluted by the plastic brought by the devotees.
Although boats were provided on the Rapti River last year, no boats have been provided this year, said Information Officer Tiwari. About two kilometres from the Rapti Bridge, Bikram Baba is worshipped inside the park. This worship is especially predominant among the Tharu caste. Although the Tharu caste has been worshipping Bikram Baba since time immemorial, all the communities have been participating in recent times. It is found that Bikram Baba is worshipped with the belief that having children and fulfilling one’s aspirations including happiness will be fulfilled.