Gandaki Chief Minister Krishna Chandra Pokhrel Nepali has said that development of the country is possible only through religious tourism. Stating that Gandaki is rich in terms of religious tourism, he said that the state government has always been in the forefront for the development of religious places here. He said that the presence of holy religious and tourist sites like Muktinath and Trivenidham in Gandaki had helped in the economic development of the region.
He also stressed that religious tourism would help in the development of the country as Nepal is the religious land connecting India and China. He said that the religious areas within the state like Gajendra Moksha Dham, Muktinath and Devghat Dham would be of special importance and would be given special priority in the development of these areas.
Tikaram Sapkota, chairman of the Hanuman Temple Chakraghat Committee and coordinator of the Mahayagya Original Organizing Committee, claimed that Shikhar Khajurao was the first grand and artistic temple in Nepal and said that he would work as per the master plan to establish it as a tourist destination. He said that the temple would help in the development of the region along with the publicity of the region as it is located in the center of Nepal and is also a place of pilgrimage for those who travel from east to west.
Sankatmochan Hanuman’s divine idol, exterior of the temple full of artistry, Shikhar Khajurao style dome, wooden artistic window and door, Ram Durbar, small dome shaped marble railings, marble eyeglasses, stairs and attractive electrical management and painting are some of the spectacular aspects of this temple. He informed that the temple, which has been worshiped since 1985 AD, is 42 feet long, 42 feet wide and 63 feet high. The Mahayagya, which started on April 10, has ended today.