Igor Krytsak, a 33-year-old Ukrainian, is a sporting event organizer who planned to run the Boston Marathon after qualifying in London last year with a personal best 2 hours, 57 minutes, 33 seconds. When Russia invaded his homeland, he sent his wife and two daughters to safety in Spain, but he could not leave the country without a special permit.
Krytsak received permission to run in Boston for humanitarian purposes and arrived in the United States on Saturday. He completed the race on Monday in 3:22:41, wearing a yellow and blue headband and waving a Ukrainian flag that read “I Am Ukrainian And I’m Proud Of It” as he crossed the finish line.
Even as other runners continued on the course through the afternoon, Krytsak departed for New York; on Tuesday, he will catch a plane to Warsaw, where he will meet his family and return to Ukraine by car.
Krytsak discussed his experience with The Associated Press via text chat. (His comments have been edited for clarity, style and space):