In the election of the House of Representatives and the State Assembly held in 2017, there were 1.435 million voters in nine districts of the Far West. One lakh ninety-six thousand four hundred and seventy-six voters have been added in the last five years.
According to the State Election Office, Kailali, a total of 525,125 voters have registered in Kailali for the upcoming local elections. Of them, 256,104 are males and 269,010 are females.
Bajura has the lowest number of voters – 82,690. Of them, 42,151 are males and 40,537 are females. Similarly in Darchula 45,111 males and 43,174 females total 88,285, in Baitadi 73,883 males and 74,721 females total one lakh forty-eight thousand six hundred and six, and in Dadeldhura 44,664 males and 45,455 females total 90,119 voters.
Similarly, there are two lakh ninety-five thousand three hundred and fifty-four voters in Kanchanpur out of which one lakh forty-three thousand two hundred and forty-one are males and one lakh fifty-two thousand one hundred and twelve are females. In Doti, 58,282 males and 65,272 females make a total of one lakh twenty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-four, in Achham 75,837 males and 80,441 females make a total of one lakh fifty-six thousand two hundred and eighty and in Bajhang 61,389 males and 60,748 females make a total of one lakh twenty-two thousand one hundred and thirty-seven voters.
There are 11 third gender voters in Kailali, two each in Achham, Bajura and Baitadi and one in Kanchanpur.