Police have launched an awareness campaign for drivers and co-drivers after five people were killed in a road accident at Badhubensi in Roshi Gaonpalika-11 of Kavrepalanchok on Wednesday. District Police and Traffic Police have started alerting the drivers and co-drivers on the road to reduce the number of accidents due to negligence of drivers and co-drivers, said District Police Office Chief Chakra Raj Joshi.
Drivers and co-drivers are urged to drive with caution and are warned not to drive too fast, unnecessarily overtake and compete. The District Police and Traffic Police Office has intensified the security check at Kavrebhanjyang of Dhulikhel under BP Highway from this morning. “Drivers need to think that it is their responsibility to take every passenger safely to their destination as they can die in a famine due to speeding for a while,” said Police Chief Joshi.
He urged all drivers and co-drivers to abide by the traffic rules and take responsibility for the safe passage of passengers to their destinations.
Stressing on the drivers and co-drivers not to drive at high speed on the highway, not to compete, not to overtake and to drive long distance vehicles only after stopping at places, Chief of Police Joshi instructed the subordinate police unit and traffic police to take strict action. . After the incident, security checks have been intensified in all areas of the district to alert drivers and co-drivers.
Chief Police Inspector Rajesh Silval of the District Traffic Police Office urged the drivers and co-drivers not to drive without any haste and use seatbelts.
A committee comprising District Administration Office Officer Ram Prasad Bhattarai and District Traffic Police Office Chief Silwal has been formed under the coordination of Deputy Superintendent of Police Hari Khatiwada to investigate the incident. Five persons were killed and 18 others injured in the incident. . Fourteen of the injured have returned home after treatment at Dhulikhel Hospital and four others are still undergoing treatment, according to police.