In Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Nepali Congress candidates have won in five wards so far. The CPN (Unified Socialist) has won two and the CPN-UML has won one and one independent candidate. From Nepali Congress, Santosh Khadka has won in Ward No. 4, Rupendra Raj Shakya in Ward No. 6, Kul Bahadur Maharjan in Ward No. 7, Baburatna Maharjan in Ward No. 8 and Rabin Vyanjankar in Ward No. 10. Rajesh Kumar Maharjan of CPN-U has won in Ward No. 2 and Shrigopal Maharjan has won in Ward No. 3. Independent candidate Nirmal Tandukar has won in ward no. 1 and UML’s Bikasman Shrestha has won in ward no.5. Currently, counting of wards 9, 11 and 12 is in progress.
Independent candidate Narasimha Vyanjankar, who previously had won from the same constituency of ward no.10 for ten times, could not win. Rabin got 825 votes while his nearest rival Narasimha got 578 votes. Out of 29 wards in the metropolis, only nine wards have resulted so far. The counting of votes started on Saturday after the voting on Friday. Initially, only one place was counted, but now three wards are being counted at the same time. The final results are expected to come in a few days.
Nepali Congress candidate Chiribabu Maharjan and CPN-UML’s Manjali Shakya are leading in the post of metropolitan chief. According to the latest details, Nepali Congress candidate Maharjan got 17,700 votes and CPN (UML) candidate Harikrishna Vyanjankar got 9,544 votes. UML candidate Manjali Shakya got 9,666 votes and CPN (Maoist) candidate Baburaja Bajracharya polled 6,028 votes.