Jyoti KC, who is in the United States, has informed that she has just completed the analogue astronaut training. She updated her social page that she was officially certified as an analogue astronaut. As commander and engineer support for the Sirius mission, she said she had four crew members from around the world. They are from the United States, Mexico and Poland. “It was an incredible learning experience for all of us,” she said.
The training lasted for two weeks in Poland and she claims to be the first Nepali-American (Lunares Research Station) to participate in the training.
New technologies, robotic equipment, vehicles, housing, communications, energy production, design, mobility, aero and hydro plantations, etc. are frequently tested and researched in roles. Isolation and captivity team dynamics, menu fatigue and other behavioural effects are also observed.
She is grateful for the United States Air Force and its support.