Attention to controlling market prices

July 8, 2022

Consumer Awareness Campaign Nepal working in the field of consumer rights has drawn the attention of the Government of Nepal on the issue of price control.

The officials of the campaign met the Chief Secretary of the government Shankar Das Bairagi and officials of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, Commerce, Supply and Consumer Protection on Thursday and drew their attention to the steps to be taken to control the price rise. The memorandum states that there are monopolistic, unfair and prohibited business activities in the market. It has complained in the memorandum that market monitoring has not been meaningful and effective saying that work is being done in every sector.

In the memorandum submitted by the team led by Jagran Abhiyan Chairman Krishna Prasad Bhandari Marseille, it is mentioned that the market price should be controlled by facilitating the supply system by distributing daily essential commodities through food trading companies and salt trading. It has also been suggested that the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply should direct the department, office and inspection officer to analyze the price of goods on the basis of customs gate price and industry gate price