According to the news published by Kantipur Dainik on Friday, Yuvraj Adhikari, Executive Chairman of Nepal Airlines Corporation, along with former Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal pressured the investigation on NAC to be stopped. The news revealed that Adhikari has given financial inducement to the chairman of the committee formed to investigate him on charges of financial embezzlement.
The Cabinet constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Tourism Secretary Maheshwar Neupane to investigate the 52 allegations against Adhikari.
The news disclosed that committee chairman Neupane was given financial inducements and was pressured to stop the investigation report through former Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal. An inquiry and investigation committee was formed a month ago under the chairmanship of Neupane.
“Yuvraj used to offer financial incentives to not submit the investigation report to the minister,” Neupane said.
He said that former Prime Minister Khanal called and pressured him to protect the executive chairman Adhikari. “Why did you have to accept what the Tourism Minister said when you are retiring as a secretary?” Neupane said, quoting Khanal’s statement, “Stop the study report you are doing on Yuvraj while you are going to retire as a secretary.”
A confidential report received by Kantipur has concluded that Adhikari is a morally and financially corrupt person, detailing his failure to lead a corporation that is in debt of Rs 50 billion after buying four aircraft.
The report stated that Adhikari lacks the high professional character and demeanor appropriate to the position of an official holding a public position like the Executive Chairman of Nepal Airlines Corporation.