Rescue of two pregnant women by helicopter

August 3, 2022

Two pregnant women, one from the Kolti Primary Health Center and one from the District Hospital in Budhinanda Municipality in the eastern and northern part of the district, were rescued today by the helicopter of the Nepali Army.

Chief District Officer Prakash Chandra Adhikari said that 30-year-old Manu Regmi Padhyay of Budhinanda-2 Kolti and 22-year-old Jenny Rai of Jagannath Rural Municipality-2 were rescued by a helicopter of the Nepali Army. According to him, both the women had been suffering from labor pain for a long time but could not give birth in the district and were rescued by an army helicopter in a well-equipped hospital through the President’s Women Upliftment Program.

Dozens of pregnant women have been rescued from the President’s Women Upliftment Program. The program is becoming effective for remote and difficult districts.