Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi, on Thursday, shared a behind-the-lens image with actor Akshay Kumar from the sets of the iconic song ‘Main Khiladi Tu Anari’, which is being recreated for the film ‘Selfiee’.
Taking to Instagram, the ‘Jannat’ actor shared the picture, captioning it, “28 years after the original . The OG khiladi with the new Anari. This stare down led to a dance off. And what a dance off it was. (Haven’t stopped icing my feet ever since) #selfiee.
In the picture, both the senior actors could be seen posing with their back to the camera lens and hands on each other’s backs.
Recently on actor Saif Ali Khan’s birthday, Akshay dropped a video from the same set with his choreographer, announcing the remake of the iconic song from the 1994 film ‘Main Khiladi Tu Anari’ for his upcoming film ‘Selfiee’.