For this week, three films ‘Krishna Leela’, ‘Michael Adhikari’ and ‘Premganj’ have started showing from Friday. After the last week’s two big Bollywood films ‘Lal Singh Chadha’ and ‘Raksha Bandhan’, these three films have got relief, but the audience is sure to be divided. Shows are also distributed in single theaters and multiplexes. The audience is confused as to which movie to watch.
The film industry has high expectations from all the three films. Because, after ‘Kabaddi 4‘, no Nepali film has been able to attract the audience. As a result, a kind of desperation has been created in the film industry. As all the three films feature well-known actors, the filmmakers believe that they can break the void seen in the hall. However, there is no doubt that the conflict will affect all three films.
Pushpa Khadka and Shraddha Chhetri are in lead roles in ‘Krishna Leela’ directed by Deepak Wali. The film tells the story of ups and downs in the life of a young man suffering from autism. Based on the story of surrogacy, ‘Michael Adhikari’, directed by Ranjith Rauniyar, stars Sougat Malla and Srishti Shrestha. Similarly, Benisha Hamal and Tej Giri are in the lead roles in ‘Premgunj’ directed by Parikshed Sen.