Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, on Friday, launched the ‘Maa Bharati Ke Sapoot’ (MBKS) website for the Armed Forces Battle Casualties Welfare Fund (AFBCWF) during a function at the National War Memorial Complex here.
The AFBCWF is a Tri-Service fund, which is utilised for the grant of immediate financial assistance to the families of soldiers/sailors/airmen who lay down their lives or get grievously injured in active military operations.
Celebrities like actor Sidharth Malhotra and singer Mohit Chauhan attended the special event.
Hailing the government’s decision to launch ‘Maa Bharati Ke Sapoot’, Sidharth said, “I feel this portal ‘Maa Bharati Ke Sapoot’ is very important for any citizen who wants to contribute to all army people of the armed forces who have sacrificed their lives. It is our duty to make sure that their families are well taken care of.”