Today is Kartik Shukla Pratipada and Yama Panchak, or the fourth day of Tihar, which is celebrated by eating sweet food and worshiping cows.
It is a religious belief that if cows are worshiped and fed on these days, the purity obtained from cows will always be obtained.
There is a tradition of cow worship on the day of Kartik Krishna Aunsi in some parts of Nepal and in some communities, but there is a classical belief that cows should be worshipped at the end of Aunsi and at the beginning of Pratipada, theologian Prada Ramchandra Gautam informed Rasas.
On the day of Saun Shukla Purnima, following cow worship, it is believed that if the Rakshabandhan tied on the right hand is attached to the cow’s tail, the cow would cross the Vaitarani River to enter heaven.