Newly elected members of the House of Representatives (HoR) Mahindra Raya Yadav and Ram Kumar Rai have taken the oath of office and secrecy. Senior most HoR member Pashupati Shumsher JBR administered oath to the duo amid an event organized today at the Federal Parliament Secretariat at Singha Durbar.
Others present on the occasion were the Secretariat Secretary General Dr Bharat Raj Gautam and the secretary and other employees.
Other newly elected 270 HoR members took oath on Thursday at the Federal Parliament Building in New Baneshwor. Out of the total 275 elected HoR members through the recently concluded elections (165 under the first-past-the-post system and 110 under the proportional representation), two more remained to take oath due to their personal reasons. They would take oath at their convenient time, said the Secretariat.