Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said that the government is committed to arranging the distribution of citizenship to Nepalese citizens within 6 months and national identity cards within a year. In today’s meeting of the House of Representatives, asking for a vote of confidence for the government, he said that the government will now make necessary arrangements to implement the time card and online system. He said that the government is committed to controlling corruption and has zero tolerance for it.
He stated his goal to start his tenure by addressing the people’s dissatisfaction and not hiding it.
Prime Minister Dahal stressed the need for a rule of law rather than access and trustful cooperation. He mentioned that food and housing will be promoted as fundamental rights. He further added that dependence on fuel will be reduced and fertilizer factories will be established.
According to him, the prime minister’s monitoring program will be implemented to solve the problems of the people and a hotline will be arranged for the problems of those who go for foreign employment.