World Cancer Day 2023: Add these foods to your diet

February 4, 2023

People across the world need to be aware of nutrition and other lifestyle changes that can be implemented to help them recover and potentially reduce the risk of some cancer recurring or a new one developing.

World Cancer Day, which is observed to spread awareness, inspire change, and reduce the global impact of cancer, is celebrated on February 4, every year.

Till date, researchers are experimenting, studying, researching, and developing new methods, technologies, medications, and injectable solutions to cure and prevent cancer.

But unfortunately, not all these medications and treatments are affordable for everyone, and hence, many cancer patients die without even getting the chance of proper treatment.

Hence, we must take good care of our health and take a pledge to spread as much awareness about cancer prevention measures as possible.

On this World Cancer Day, let’s look at the food that helps to lower the risk of the deadly disease.