The mortal remains of 25-year-old Haryana woman Nikki Yadav, who was found dead in a freezer at Delhi’s Mitraon village on Tuesday, was taken from Rao Tularam Memorial Hospital to Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital for post-mortem on Wednesday.
Speaking to ANI on Wednesday, her father Sunil Yadav said, “The post-mortem will be done today. It will take time. They didn’t tell us anything, and only showed us the body to enable identification.”
Nikki was strangled to death allegedly by her live-in partner after she came to know of his impending marriage with another woman, police said.
After his arrest on Tuesday, the accused Sahil Gehlot was presented before a Delhi court and sent to five-day police remand.
Delhi Police Crime Branch, meanwhile, said it has recovered the car in which Sahil allegedly murdered Nikki. He also transported her mortal remains to the dhaba (eatery) in the same vehicle, police added.
According to the police, Nikki called Sahil after learning that he was going to marry another woman.
The woman’s body was recovered from a freezer in New Delhi’s Najafgarh area, police said on Tuesday.
The victim was a resident of Uttam Nagar in Delhi, they said.
“Initial probe suggests that the accused was about to get married to another woman, and, the victim, after coming to know of it, raised an objection and insisted he marries her,” a police officer told ANI earlier.
In a fit of rage, the accused killed her hid the body in a freezer at his dhaba, the officer said, adding, “The incident occurred around two to three days ago.”
Further details are awaited.