Nepali movies ‘Chhakka Panja 4’ and ‘Chhadke 2’ have been screened since Friday. The two films being screened are of different categories. Hemraj BC has directed the fourth series produced by the group including Deepakraj Giri, who has been active in film production through ‘6 Ekan 6’. Before this, the previous three series were directed by Deepashree Niraula.
Along with actor Giri, Kedar Ghimire, Nirmal Sharma, Benisha Hamal, Malina Joshi and others are acting in it. The movie got more than 90 percent occupancy on the first day of its release. This time actor Jeetu Nepal is not in this series. This has shown the possibility of doing good business in the domestic market of Nepal. “I have no words to say, the response of the audience gives the impression that hard work has been successful”, said actor Giri.
Another such movie ‘Chhadke-2’ has been screened. This is the second series of ‘Chhadke’. Actor Anmol KC is featured in a different role. The movie written and directed by Nigam Shrestha is based on the story of a gangster. It stars Rowin Tamang, Kamal Mani Nepal, Dev Kumar Shrestha, Srijan Subba, Devu Shrestha, Resha Alemgar, Ian Scott Clement, Santosh Mizar, Afran Ali, Nigam Shrestha, Chiranjeevi Adhikari and Kumar Ghalan. —