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5 ways to beat your Monday blues

2023 Feb 27, 6:56,
Photo: ANI

Do you have intense sensations of anxiety, sadness, or tension at the beginning of each workweek? Do you feel uninspired and unmotivated on Mondays? If you resonate with this, you probably suffer from 'Monday Blues' and we know you're looking for a solution to get over it. Here are 5 tips that can help you a great deal in combating the blues!

Avoid early morning meetings on Monday

Avoid scheduling any meetings on Mondays if at all possible so that you and your colleagues can get have an easy start to the week. 

Photo: ANI
Photo: ANI

Finish all your work before the weekend ends, don't leave it for Monday!

Consider what you can complete on Friday before leaving the office to cut down on the workload for Monday. You can gradually return to work after the weekend with a more easy approach. 

Photo: ANI
Photo: ANI

Get enough sleep during the weekend

A restful night's sleep is essential since it can influence how the remainder of the week will go. Obtain a good night's sleep, especially on Sunday night, to avoid feeling drained and unfocused on Monday.

Photo: ANI
Photo: ANI

Make a post-work plan with friends or colleagues

Having something to look forward to on Monday evenings is one method to combat the Monday blues. Every Monday, you can organize a group activity for the office, such as a late-afternoon snack break or an after-work activity like dinner with friends.

Photo: ANI
Photo: ANI

Workout in the morning

A good workout session at the gym or even going out for a run outside will release happy hormones and prepare you for the rest of the day! 


5 ways to beat Monday blues intense sensations anxiety sadness Tension
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