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5 physical and mental benefits of hugging

2023 Feb 13, 7:59,
Image Source: ANI

Hug Day is part of Valentine's Week celebrations and is celebrated on February 12 annually. On this day people show affection for each other with a warm hug. Hugging someone not only provides comfort but also fosters trust. A warm embrace can help you feel more connected to the other person, strengthen ties, and boost your happiness quotient. So, here are some of the most amazing physical and mental benefits of hugging.

Stress Reduction

Hugging decreases feelings of loneliness and makes you happier. It boosts the levels of oxytocin, the 'cuddle hormone'.

Promotes emotional bonding

Hugging can also help strengthen emotional bonds between people, fostering feelings of love, attachment, and trust. This is especially important for couples and families.

Boosts mood

Oxytocin is also linked to increased feelings of happiness, so a hug from a loved one can help to boost your mood and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Immunity booster

Hugging increases, the level of natural killer cells, lymphocytes, and other immune-boosting cells which keep the immune system strong.

Improves blood regulation

Hugging reduces tension in the body by combating pain and improving blood circulation which relaxes the tense muscles.

physical mental Benefits hugging Hug Day
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