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Drug abuse cases on rise in three years

2022 Aug 30, 9:39, mahendranager
Representative image

People keeping drugs, such as brown sugar, charas, and nitro vet have been arrested on a daily basis.

In one and half months of the current fiscal year alone, 31 young people, including three Indians were arrested for drug supply. "People with illegal drugs are arrested every day," said Police Inspector, Bharat Giri, at the District Police Office, adding that youths are mostly indulging in drug abuse.

He warned that if the parents, society, and all tiers of government ignore this problem, it could emerge as a more serious and challenging issue.

To date, in the current fiscal year, police confiscated 127.07 grams of brown sugar, 2.24 charas, and 255 tablets of nitro vet. Similarly, 11 cases have been filed against drug trafficking. Inspector Giri added that the data shows the constant rising cases of drug abuse and trafficking.

Police in civil dress have been mobilized for taking under control the smugglers, along with conducting public awareness programs.

In the fiscal year, 2019/20, a total of 55 cases were registered against drug abuse and supply, while it increased to 143 in 2078/79 BS.

The data revealed that those involved in drug abuse and trafficking belonged to Punarbas, Balauri, Beldandi, and Dodhara Chandani which share an open border with India.

The Police Office has taken under control 33 Indian nationals in this connection since 2076. Moreover, an Indian drug smuggler was even killed in an encounter with police, when he was supplying drugs in the border area of Belauri Municipality.

There were 141 cases filed against drug smuggling in the fiscal year, 2021/22.


drug abuse smuggling on rise in three years Kanchanpur Brown Sugar charas nitro vet drug trafficking Belauri Municipality
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