Police have arrested four persons from Belauri Municipality-7, Paulaha Masanghat area along with grey heroin. According to Chakra Bahadur Shah, Deputy Superintendent of Police, District Police Office, Kanchanpur, a team deployed from Area Police Office, Belauri arrested four persons with 15.98 grams of grey heroin. According to him, the arrested are Deepak Bhatt, 22, Vivek Chaudhary, 18, Kishor Rana, 25, and Kaluram Rana, 35, of Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolis-13 Airport.
According to Deputy Superintendent of Police Shah, 4.39 grams of heroin were recovered from Deepak and Vivek on a motorcycle (Se 5 Pa 2209) and 11.59 grams of grey heroin from Kishor and Kaluram on a motorcycle (Supra 01009 Pa 818). The police found it hidden in a toolbox of motorcycles wrapped in white plastic bags.
Police are conducting a necessary investigation on the four persons arrested along with drugs and motorcycles. Only four days ago, the police arrested four persons from the Belauri area with the grey heroin.